Saturday, July 2, 2011

Royal Visit to Canada

The newspapers have given lots of coverage to the visit to Canada of William and Kate (aka, the Duke and Duchess of York).

The Toronto star has posted pictures of the three days they have been here so far.

So far they have attended a cooking workshop in Montreal.....this should prove very useful since the Royal Family is well known to cook their own meals?

They also attended a ceremonial tree planting at Rideau Hall.  Prince William is shown holding a apt!!!

Another photo shows them visiting veterans and war brides.  This one really got my dander up!!  Will and Kate should have felt honoured to be in the company of people who have led such meaningful lives.

Why is Quebec Premier Jean Charest taking time to visit with the Royal Nothings?  I could ask the same of Prime Minister Harper.  The Governor General I can understand since he doesn't really have a job to do.

Why are our tax dollars being spent on such pathetic meaningless tributes to people who have really done nothing much in life to be worthy of such acclaim.  George Will once wrote of Paris Hilton that her's "is the purest form of celebrity, unsullied by accomplishment, she is famous for being famous."

Our Royal Family is one notch lower than Paris Hilton in my books.  At least she made a movie that was watched by many.


  1. "a cooking workshop" - that's a kitchen, right?

    As to "At least she made a movie that was watched by many" - they got married - more watched that than will ever recognise the name Paris Hilton.

    The only problem with Royalty is the misapplication by Charles and co. of Darwin's theory of evolution - that luck of birth somehow confers status - social, economic and intellectual.

    It does; but not from genetics but from the application of resources to bring up the child. Just because you've the most grasping, blood thirsty and miserly ancestors in the nation should not allow you to head of state. It should stop you - like in Bulgaria, France and India.

    In short; Royalty simply formalises the concept of the greatest theft concept of capitalism.

  2. Nothing capitalist about Royalty. In fact they get their housing and expenses paid for by the taxpayers. Sounds like socialism to me!!!
