Thursday, January 28, 2010

No We Can't

It is remarkable how far Barack Obama's star has fallen.  One year ago he had a favourable rating of 70%.  Democrats, Republicans and Independents were hopeful that he did represent a change.

One year on Democratic leaning newspapers are struggling to conceal their disappointment over a year of relative inaction.  Some are openly critical.  The Toronto Star wrote that his administration is starting to get the air of a single term to it.

In the wake of the Massachusetts special election which reduced the Democratic majority in the Senate to 59-41, Obama urged his party not to "run for the hills."  This is astounding.  Losing a filibuster proof majority was simply losing a power that eluded every administration since early in the Carter administration.

Astounding as it was, he needed to say that.  The loss of Massachusetts means that every Democratic seat across the nation is in play.  California Democrats (who are used to being re-elected with token opposition) are planning to spend aggressively.  In past election cycles, Democrats did not need to use resources in California.  Bill Clinton in 96 and Al Gore in 2000 did not spend a single dollar in the state of California.  They didn't have to.  Millions spend to ensure the safety of Senator Boxer will not be spent on more marginal and vulnerable seats such as Majority Leader Harry Reid's seat in Nevada.

Faced with this changed landscape, Obama did what he does best.....he gave a speech.  Sadly that is no longer enough.  He has been in office for a full year and has little, save a Nobel Peace Prize, to show for his time in office.  If Obama is as smart as they say, then he will pivot quickly as Bill Clinton did after the elections of 94 lead to the rise of Newt Gingrich.

Obama needs to move to the middle. America is not a Liberal country.  He is out of step with his nation.

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